Credits: Unknown

Credits: Unknown

Credits: PA/PDA

Credits: American Alpine Club Archive

Research 03/021
Charting the Use of Masks Throughout History

Masks have been part of global cultures since the start of mankind, initially associated with ceremonies that had religious or social significance. Other masks were used on festive occasions or to portray characters during performances. During the last century the technicality of masks became much more important, from just a cultural element, they became relevant in various other fields, from sports, where masks became a protective garment, to climbing, where oxygen masks became essential to reach the top of the high mountains of Himalaya; but, without any doubt, the most particular and peculiar way humans are using masks is to hide the identity during moments of social unrest, when committing illegal or legal activity, a way of protecting ourselves in moments of distrust towards the rulers at the top, who, with the help of cameras and facial recognition can easily identify you.

Credits: SASwp

Credits: Andrew Podnieks

Credits: Getty Images

Credits: @escalopeviandehache

Credits: One Block Down

Credits: Mous Lamrabat

Credits: Lacock Police Department

Credits:Bundaberg Police Department

Credits: Devon and Cornwall Police Department

Credits: Britannica

Credits: Michel Huet

Credits: Legendary Parties by Prince Jean-Louis De Faucigny-Lucinge.

Credits: Legendary Parties by Prince Jean-Louis De Faucigny-Lucinge.

Credits: Legendary Parties by Prince Jean-Louis De Faucigny-Lucinge.

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